Miss Tracy's Brag Book!

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And he asked me if this was small!

This isn't even a dick... it's a sack of balls with a head!


Small Dick all around!

Can't say much about his balls either!

Now that is a set of balls or is that an new Hand Grenade?

Watch out folks its about ready to go off!

How about that for a transformation!



He said this was his dick and it passed my toilet roll test.... but to me it looks like some alien creature has invaded is dick!  What do you think?



He is so small that he had to use his macro lenses on his camera to take these!


This guy's wife says her husband thinks his dick is average.... well maybe it is for this site!


When my wife saw my cock
It put her in shock
No, it wasn't too big
It was the size of a twig!
She said "is that it?"
"It looks like a clit!"
Unable to fuck
She called me her cuck
Why put up a fight?
I knew she was right
I clean the sperm from His balls
Or I'm no use at all
The sound of her laughter
Is all that I'm after
She said "you sick little perv, you really deserve"
"to wear a girl's skirt, if you just had the nerve!"
So at this site I will linger
While using two fingers
To pull on my dick
Cause its thin and not thick!


Come out, come out where ever you are!

Humm it won't even stand up on it's own...

Passed the TP Roll test!

Looks like you need to see a surgeon about going in and pulling the rest of it out of you.

I don't think they even make a blow up doll that you could satisfy.


Sorry SC....

Are you sure it is even 1.5 inches?

25 years old and still a Virgin! Just because you have a small penis is no excuse for still being a virgin!

Well maybe your little penis has never seen the likes of a hot wet pussy but by the looks of your grip you are no stranger to self enjoyment!

I am not impressed!

He is such a wimp he is afraid to even call Ms. Tracy!



Ahh a PANTY Boy!!!! Good thing you have a small one or you wouldn't be able to fit into those silky panties!

From my boy 4WH.


Keep the pictures coming guys... be sure to give me permission to post them here.

Email me at: MissTracy4u2serve@yahoo.com

Call Miss Tracy at 888-307-3141

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